I have a view which prints the latest posts of my blog, controller -> action latestPostsAction(); this action takes from database te listo of the recent 10 posts. and uses its view.
the problem is that I want to render this view but with FULL process in diferent layouts, this means I have my index which shows in tle right this controller of a list of recent posts, but i want it also on the layout where the user read the posts.
In symfony they have:
<!-- app/Resources/views/base.html.php -->
<!-- ... --> <div id="sidebar"> <?php echo $view['actions']->render( new \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ControllerReference( 'AcmeArticleBundle:Article:recentArticles', array('max' => 3) ) ) ?> </div>
which does what I want, every time this module is called it asks for the list to the database . how do I do same behaviour on Phalcon?